Girls Girls Girls

I was around the age of 5, possibly 6, when I first kissed a girl. Curly was my age and my best friend. Whenever I went to stay at my dad’s for the weekend I would go play with her. It started off quite innocently, we would play dress up and role play. We then moved onto mummy and daddy’s; I was always the mummy even when she really didn’t want to play daddy. We were in my dad’s bedroom and somehow knew that parents got into bed to kiss and cuddle. She would lay on top of me and we would kiss and grind against each other. We never spoke about it as it was never a big deal, we were just kids being silly. This went on for a while until one day we were almost caught, that was when we knew it was something we shouldn’t be doing.

When I was in high school I had a best friend; she wasn’t gorgeous or perfect or anything special to look at. We were inseparable.  We actually tied ourselves together at one point as we never wanted to be apart. We would tell each other everything, we would speak on the phone after spending all day at school together, we went on holiday together… I don’t know about her but I loved her (in a friend way) more than I’ve ever loved a friend, more than I’ve ever loved a family member. We were at my house as it was another sleep over, when she told me she had never kissed anyone before. We talked about it for a while and she was asking me questions as I had been kissing people for years at this point. It was finally bed time and she was still talking to me about it. All of a sudden she leapt on my and began to kiss me very nervously. She had hard lips, lots of saliva and was very quick and clumsy. I kissed her back though and she eventually relaxed and began to kiss properly. We used tongues, she lay on top of me and we kept our hands to safe spots such as hips and face. We didn’t become girlfriends. We didn’t even talk about it. But this carried on for four years. We would only ever kiss. We once googled ‘how old do lesbians have to be to lose their virginity’.

Between all these years there were boyfriends and fall outs but we always stuck together and got through it all. One night she declared her love for me while crying her eyes out. To this day I still remember the look on her face; she knew what she finally was, and was scared by it. Again, it was never brought up again. If I could go back in time I would say something to her, ask her what it all meant… Did she want to be with me? Was she scared?  Was she gay? I have to live my life never knowing. She could have been The One, my soul mate.

Our last time together was when we were 15 in Greece. We had a room to ourselves and couldn’t resist even though we knew we could get caught. We got really hot and heavy, both wanting to go further but too scared to do more than kiss. She was a great kisser by this time and was a fan of being on top. She was much smaller than me, very skinny, so she was light as a feather on me. We almost got caught by her sisters and that was the last time I ever kissed her. We eventually drifted apart as she was very into conformity, she wanted to be accepted and seen as ‘cool’. I was the weird mosher that was independent and didn’t give a shit what people thought. I haven’t spoken to her in about 8 years… that makes me so fucking sad. I am so tempted to message her and ask her all my questions. What’s the worst that could happen?

I’ve had best friends since her, but nothing has ever been the same as when I was with her.


I first attempted sex when I was 14. I had my first boyfriend, Squint, I thought I loved him and I had taken my first attempted overdose. It was a pathetic attempt at an overdose, I didn’t know anything back then and stopped before any damage could be done. That night Squint came over to the house. We chilled out, watched a film and eventually began to get it on. Up to this point all we had done was hand stuff. I knew he had a big dick and I was excited to feel it inside of me. We went up to my bedroom and got undressed. It was quite sweet, he was slow and kind and kept asking me if I was ok. We laid on my bed, he climbed on top and we kissed. He asked again if I was sure and I said yes. He must have put an inch of dick in me before I said stop. It hurt and I didn’t want to keep trying. I obviously wasn’t ready. Again, he was really nice about it and he got off and we got dressed.

The second time I attempted sex was when I was 15. I was drunk and was hanging out with some friends. One of them I had briefly had a relationship with but we decided friendship was better. This night, we were both horny and wanted to fuck. We went back to his place where we fumbled about, he had a hole in the middle of his bed which didn’t help, and we clearly didn’t know what to do apart from the obvious – penis in vagina. It didn’t work thanks to the booze and I left and went back home.

My third and final time at trying out sex was with First Love. It was one week before I was 16, we were at my mates’ house for a house party and did it in her little sisters bed. We had been drinking but weren’t drunk, when we decided to go up to bed. I had just finished my period but as all girls know, there is always one final push. I knew we’d be at least doing hand stuff when we got to bed and I was worried I would bleed on him but thought I’d risk it. We got into bed and began to kiss and run our hands over each others bodies. We had been together just short of a month and were constantly making out and literally being all over each other. He began to finger me while he kissed me and I was in heaven. He slowly kissed down my stomach and went down on me, my first time ever. It was nice, very weird and I was worried he would taste blood. We took our clothes off and he got on top of me. He put a condom on and we began to fuck. There was no going slow, no making love, we went for it. It was uncomfortable for about 30 seconds but that disappeared. We had been at it about 5 minutes when someone came into the room. We pulled apart and the moment was ruined.

We didn’t have sex again for another month as I wanted to go on the pill and once we started again, we didn’t stop. We fucked many times a day. We experimented. We had some great sex. It wasn’t always good and he had a problem with premature ejaculation. It would never last more than 5 minutes, shortest was 3 thrusts. When he was drunk he could go for ages. Being with First Love is something I will never forget. Our bodies fit together, he always turned me on, I learned how to enjoy sex in 30 seconds, I received oral a handful of times in just under 6 years…. But I wouldn’t change it. Kissing him will always be one of my favourite things. His mouth always knew how to connect with mine, his tongue made me tingle, we kissed the same and it was always perfect. I loved holding his hand, we always said how well they fit together. He was my first love, I thought he was my soul mate, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I will always love him in some capacity.

It took me three tries to finally have sex. And fuck me it was worth it.

The Straw Dick

I was around 17, possibly 18, when First Love and I decided to try something different; it wasn’t something sexy, just weird. We were at my dad’s house where I was living alone as he was at university. Me and First Love had been together at least 2 years and had done so many sexual things with each other. One of his favourite things was for me to have cold water in my mouth whilst I gave him a blow job. We had been doing this regularly until one night when I had been drinking a fizzy drink and gave that a go. He enjoyed it as the fizziness made his cock tingle. Anyways, this one night we were drinking Irn Bru and watching a film, when I for some reason remembered I had a full pack of straws. I asked him if I could do it to see what would happen and he agreed. I assembled a giant straw but placing them at each end and slotting them in. First Love sat on the sofa looking apprehensive but we were both used to trying odd things out when it came to sex. Once my giant straw was complete, I entered one end into his piss hole (only about a centimetre at most) and filled my mouth with Irn Bru. It was then I took the other end of the straw into my mouth and let the drink flow down the straw into First Loves dick… he yelped and jumped up in pain. He said it stung. I was howling with laughter! We have no idea why we tried it out other than boredom and just thinking of ridiculous things to do to each other.

For example, one time we were at his house in his bedroom getting it on. He had tied me up and blindfolded me. This wasn’t the first time doing this as it was something I enjoyed. He kissed my body and I was really getting into it when he stopped briefly. All of a sudden there was something cold being put inside my vagina. I squirmed about trying to get away. He took off my blindfold and I saw he was holding an empty lager bottle. I asked him why he was trying to stick a cold, glass bottle in me and he thought it would be sexy. He could have used so many phallic shaped objects but he chose the cold open bottle. Nope. He was not allowed to blindfold me after that!

At least he had agreed to the Irn Bru being put in his dick, I did not say I wanted a bottle in me.

Jesus, First Love and Ratboy

This story did happen to me, but due to the amount of drink and drugs taken and the amount of time that has been since this event, my memories are a bit fuzzy. I will attempt to make some sense of it but it may be slightly jumbled but still coherent. It was a very wild week for me, something that I will never completely forget, just the order of the days and some days are just blackness. I was pretty messed up at the time, I was slowly getting towards my breakdown and the year leading up to it when I was 18 was very messy and full of mistakes.

I was 17 when my mother asked me to look after her house for a week. What a mistake that was! I immediately invited over some friends to stay and get hammered with; £80 on booze for the week, which at the time consisted of Strongbow, alcopops and some vodka. At the start of the week I was going out with Ratboy, a guy 6 years older than me who drove a cool car and had a cool haircut. He came over at the start of the week (possibly) and we spent the night with my friend J and her fella L. I can’t remember much of the night except it was the first time me and Ratboy had sex; I had been looking forward to this moment for a while and was let down. He was very inexperienced. His finger lightly touched my clit but made no effort to go inside my vagina, he was very awkward and fumbling which can be forgiven, his penis was so small I didn’t feel it inside of me. Now I can say with the utmost confidence it wasn’t a problem with my vagina that made it difficult to feel him inside of me. Instead of thrusts it was more like some squirming on top of me. I faked every noise, moan and grunt. I got so carried away, he interrupted me with an ‘I finished’ and so I just smiled and hid my disappointment. He went back home that morning but planned on coming back later on in the week.

While going out with Ratboy I was still in love with First Love and had already cheated early on in the relationship with him. I’d decided that I was going to break up with Ratboy and get back with First Love; my plan was to have Ratboy come to my house at a certain time, talk to him and break up and then have First Love turn up an hour later and get back with him. I had invited some friends round who were already at my house and knew of my plan. I had told them that if First Love were to turn up early that they were to distract him. It was went tits up and both Ratboy and First Love found out each were coming over. I explained it away to both of them as trying to sort things out and stay friends. That day/night is a bit of a blur but I do know I made a mistake in choosing to break up with Ratboy. The night ended with me punching First Love, throwing a rock at him and going after him with a meat cleaver. I was on the phone in tears with Ratboy saying I had made a mistake and he was very understanding.

The last part of the week I remember quite clearly. People had been coming and going from mine everyday and different times and on my last night, nobody except J was wanting to stay and drink. We decided we would get some drugs, MDMA and coke. It was a pain sorting it all out but we managed to. Ratboy was pissed at me for getting drugs as he didn’t agree with them so he didn’t stick around that night. I got Jesus and Goth, some acquaintances, to come over. Many drinks were had and all drugs were snorted up. Goth went home and Jesus stayed. Jesus was First Loves best friend. I had sex with Jesus. We didn’t finish as I told him I felt guilty about fucking him. I remember the pain of his cock going inside of me as he was extremely thick. I have never come across someone who has had a cock thicker than Jesus’. Oh and I forgot to mention, Jesus was Goth’s ex and Goth eventually became my best friend. I feel like it should be on a Jezza show.

This entire week also consisted of my falling into a rabbit hutch while high on MDMA, showing my vagina to Mousey, having sex with three people (two of whom were best buds), going back and forth between Ratboy and First Love, drinking so much everyday that by the end of it I felt sober, walking in on people having sex, breaking furniture and having the neighbours complain about all the shenanigans going on.

It is a very messy week, very erratic and hard to piece together. I have attempted to make as much sense of it as possible. I think this story had to be written, mainly to help me figure out what happened and in what order. Me and Ratboy eventually broke up and I got back together with First Love. I swore I would never tell him about having sex with Jesus. I don’t see or speak to anyone that came over to the house that week, apart from First Love as we have a child together. The morning after Jesus, and the morning of when my mother was coming back, was supposed to be me cleaning the house. I was on a downer. My mum was not happy with the state of the house!

I wish I could remember this story more clearly. Sounds like I had fun. *edit* I fucked Jesus, Ratboy and First Love in this week, I just don’t know what days on!

The Captain

When I was 15, my dad decided to try out online dating. My dad didn’t stand a chance but he wanted to give it a go (turns out it didn’t work out as some Russian woman tried to dupe him out of money which thankfully he didn’t have to give and he wasn’t stupid enough to fall for it). Anyways, when he told me he had joined this site I thought it would be funny to also join it so I could troll him. I made a profile and of course had to put down I was 18 but in my profile I did say I was 15. I wasn’t intending to use it but I got chatting to a couple of 18 year olds, including The Captain.

The Captain was 18, local and really easy to talk to; he had piercings, black hair and was alternative so of course 15 year old me liked him immediately. We were only speaking for a couple of days when we arranged to meet up in which he brought his mate along in case I was some ‘weirdo’. We hit it off, including his mate, and eventually parted ways with him and went back to The Captains house. We talked about our love of the TV show Lost and made out. That is all we did for hours. I was so excited and infatuated by this older guy with piercings; I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t stop smiling, my little teenage heart was full of roaring passion. We met up regularly and always did the same thing, apart from going to see Snakes on a Plane three times at the cinema. This was all in the space of a month. We spoke about sex and wanted to wait till I turned 16 which was only a couple of months away. We never made it till my birthday though; he couldn’t wait a couple of months to have sex and obviously didn’t want to have sex with a 15 year old. I was absolutely gutted by this. I would do nothing but listen to songs by his favourite band and stalk his Myspace profile. Thankfully I recovered pretty quickly from this and not long after got with the guy who was my first real love. I still look back on The Captain and laugh as how ridiculous it all was but my heart still does a little flutter when I remember those long make out sessions. I also think of him whenever someone mentions ginger pubes as he was a raging orange top (dyed black hair) and he told me his pubes were also shockingly bright which at the time sent me into a fit of giggles and also made me scared as hell to look at them.

I’ve attempted to locate The Captain on social media but for the life of me can’t. I sometimes wonder if he is dead or living a happy life. He was bipolar and had many other mental health problems but never opened up to me about them. I’d love to see what he is like now and if he still dyed his hair and eyebrows